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Proficient Reading: 38%

Distinguished Reading: 23%

Proficient Math: 34%

Distinguished Math: 17%

Reading Inventory Testing

SRI Testing

The Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) is a criterion-referenced test intended to measure reading comprehension and match students to text so they can read with confidence and control. Results from SRI are reported as scale scores (Lexile® measures).

Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) Interactive is a computer-adaptive assessment designed to measure how well students read literature and expository texts of varying difficulties. This psychometrically valid assessment instrument can be used as a diagnostic tool to place students at the best level in the program so they can read with success. 

Greenwood High School will be testing students throughout the year and will monitor their growth.  Testing will take place in Swamp classes.


Website for test --     

Login using:
Username -- Student ID number (10 digit number) 1234356789
Password -- first initial of first name and full last name (ex: Jane Doe = JDoe) Initials need to be capitalized.

If password doesn't work when entered as above, add six digit birthdate to the end of the password

Username: 1234356789
Password: AStudent081121