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Proficient Reading: 38%

Distinguished Reading: 23%

Proficient Math: 34%

Distinguished Math: 17%

Greenwood HIgh School Student Ambassador Program


What is a Student Ambassador?

A Student Ambassador is a student leader who will represent the diversity of Greenwood High School and will serve as a liaison, spokesperson, school leader, and advocate for Greenwood High School. Student Ambassadors must have strong leadership skills, a positive attitude, a strong work ethic, and a commitment to GHS. GHS Student Ambassadors must have active decision-making skills, the ability to motivate others, and a collaborative team approach.

As a Student Ambassador, you will have the privilege of meeting new people, developing new skills, and holding a leadership role at Greenwood High School. Ambassadors will work with current students, faculty and staff, community members, and business leaders. Ambassadors will uphold the expectations and integrity of Greenwood High School at all times. Student Ambassadors will not only display their natural leadership qualities, but they will be the voices behind school lead projects and community involvement.

Student Ambassadors must be driven, passionate, and hardworking students to participate in public relations, school improvement, and leadership activities at GHS. Some activities and responsibilities will include:

  • Assisting during orientations and open houses
  • Assisting with special events such as concerts, programs, guest speakers, etc.
  • Giving campus tours to new students and families
  • Creating and carrying out a school-related group project
  • Being involved in community service projects

Why be a Student Ambassador?

  • To improve and expand on leadership skills
  • To work as a team and focus on school improvement
  • To represent the diversity and pride of GHS
  • To embark on opportunities to meet new students, faculty and staff, community members, and business leaders
  • To build your resume for future jobs, colleges, and tech schools
  • To be a part of a collaborative TEAM and have FUN!

What are the time requirements for serving as a Student Ambassador?

On campus events and activities take place throughout the year at various times. Ambassadors should be willing and able to participate in any event during the school day or after the school day. Being a Student Ambassador at Greenwood High School is a privilege and it should be noted that all academics come first. Not all ambassadors will be present at every event. Ambassadors will always be given ample notice if they are required to participate in anything after school hours. GHS Ambassadors will also meet regularly during SWAMP/after school to discuss upcoming events and school projects.   

How do I become a Student Ambassador?

If you are interested in being a Student Ambassador at Greenwood High School you must fill out the online Student Ambassador Application. Applications will be open at the end of the school year for the coming year.  See Julia Clark for more information.

*All Student Ambassadors will be provided one t-shirt and one collared shirt to wear for official events*




sck launch



Former Student Ambassadors


Student Ambassador Application 
(You must be signed in to your Warren County Student Google Drive to access the application)