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Proficient Reading: 38%

Distinguished Reading: 23%

Proficient Math: 34%

Distinguished Math: 17%

Greenwood NJROTC



Honor Courage Commitment


Thank you for visiting the Greenwood High School NJROTC webpage. Our mission is to instill in Greenwood High School students the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility and a sense of accomplishment.  Greenwood’s NJROTC offers a four-year curriculum and provides elective credit toward high school graduation. The unit currently has an enrollment of 70 cadets & increases each semester.


The NJROTC curriculum emphasizes citizenship and leadership development, as well as our country’s maritime heritage, the significance of sea power, and naval topics such as the fundamentals of naval operations, seamanship, navigation and meteorology. Classroom instruction is augmented throughout the year by community service activities, drill competition, field meets, flights, visits to naval activities, marksmanship training, and other military training. Uniforms, textbooks, training aids, assistance with travel allowance, and a substantial portion of instructors' salaries are provided by the Navy.


A Greenwood NJROTC Cadet is offered a significant program of instruction and extra-curricular activities in which to participate.  


A typical school week at the unit includes:

Monday - Physical Training & leadership

Tuesday - Knowledge, Current events & Uniform Preparation

Wednesday - Drill

Thursday - Uniform Inspection

Friday - Physical Training


Of the days mentions, there will be after school practice(s) which includes:

Color Guard    Honor Guard    Drill Team    Rifle Team   

Our Color Guard & Honor Guard participate in various sports team and other official school or local community events.

The unit competes in Drill, Rifle & Academic competitions during the school years.

Our NJROTC has yearly Military Ball at Warren County during the spring & bi-annually takes extended field trip to military base & colleges.

There is a yearly NJROTC leadership summer camps for those who wants to excel farther on.


Greenwood NJROTC Cadets Participated in Operation Anvil on October 5, 2024. 

Operation Anvil is an annual World War II reenactment. Cadets help with parking and presenting the colors, as well as honoring Veterans by presenting them with medals and awards for their service. 


Greenwood High School's NJROTC presenting the colors at Operation Anvil in 2023





















Leadership Academy


Color Guard



Greenwood high schools NJROTC won 1st in 3 divisions at the Nash-O Scare-O.







NJROTC Fort Campbell on October 2, 2024


Warren County Schools Combined JROTC Military Ball 2017

Military Ball 2017




Go Navy, Beat Army!





Naval NJROTC Instructors

Senior Naval Science Instructor
MMCS(SW/AW/IW) Brad Vincent
USN Retired (22 Years)

Master Training Specialist

Naval Science Instructor
FCC(SW/AW) Greg Blakeman
U.S. Navy Retired (25 years)
Master Training Specialist


Battalion Slate

Cadet Battalion Commander - Jacob Strom
Cadet Executive Officer -        Abigail Sturm
Cadet Command Master Chief - Law Htoo
Cadet Admin Officer -            Addison Mann
Cadet Operations Officer -        Aiden Goettsch
Cadet Logistics Officer -         Carson Yawn
Cadet Public Affair Officer -  Addison Mann
Cadet Athletic Officer -            Braden Stringer
Cadet Education/Safety Officer - Chase Faust
Alpha Platoon Commander -      Law Htoo
Brovo Platoon Commander -      Axil Alexander


NJROTC Team Captains 

Color Guard- Dyson Delgado

Honor Guard- Law Htoo

Drill Team- Braden Stringer

Unit Chaplin- Zavier Hire

Marksmanship Team- San San

Academic Team- Chase Faust




Chief Blakeman's Webpage
United States Naval JROTC Website 
United States Navy